Understanding Trademarks, Copyrights, & Design

Today, we want to share vital insights about copyrights, trademarks, and design. We believe comprehensive knowledge of these areas is crucial to any business, especially in avoiding potential legal complications, and we've noticed a trend in obvious violations on social media.
Simply put, copyright is a law that grants exclusive rights to the original owners of specific types of work. This includes literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual creations. When you create a design or logo, you automatically own the copyright to it.
Be sure to create unique content to avoid infringing on others' copyright, as this can result in hefty financial penalties. Styles or trends cannot be copyrighted, so you're free to create something in a similar fashion, but take the time to research to be certain you're not identical.
Trademarks protect symbols, words, slogans, logos, or anything that distinguishes your brand from others. It’s a recognizable sign that helps identify your products or services over your competitors.
It's essential to research your designs thoroughly before branding them. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) provides a Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) available to the public. If your logo or symbol closely resembles another entity's trademark, it may lead to legal action.
Being a graphic designer isn't all about creating stunning visuals, but also about understanding and respecting lawful boundaries. Using someone else’s copyrighted image or design as inspiration is permissible, but outright copying, even unintentionally, can bring about serious legal consequences.
So, how can one tread carefully in these waters? Here are some steps to consider:
UNDERSTAND FAIR USE: Fair use permits limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as analysis, reporting, criticism, or parody. However, understanding what qualifies as 'fair use' can be quite challenging, so consult a legal expert when in doubt.
SEEK PERMISSION: If you’re unsure whether your design infringes any copyrights or trademarks, the safest bet is to ask the owner directly for approval.
OPT FOR ROYALTY-FREE IMAGES: Numerous online platforms offer royalty-free images that you can use without worrying about copyright issues.
INVEST IN CUSTOM DESIGNS: Having a unique brand identity not only sets you apart from competitors but also spares you from possible legal troubles.
At StellaKinesis Design, we navigate around these issues through meticulously researched design protocols –– plunging into a research pool before creating any design, ensuring all our artwork is fresh, unique, and free from copyright or trademark issues.
Remember, it's always best to consult with an attorney to ensure all your designs are within the law, and while a skilled designer can advise on best practices, we are certainly not legal experts. It might seem like an unnecessary expense now, but you can save potentially thousands of dollars (and your reputation) by nipping legal problems in the bud.
Stay tuned for more insights from StellaKinesis Design. Happy branding, and keep creating!